We facilitate liberated giving by evolving gifts into catalytic impact and mission related investments that can be deployed worldwide in innovative and game-changing ways.
We accept liquid and illiquid assets including collectibles, real estate, stocks, bonds and cash. The Fund also accepts blockchain, crypto and all forms of tokenized assets with no fiat conversion required.

We are seasoned and respected pioneers in regenerative finance and hybrid structuring across the full capital continuum, converting purpose into large-scale collaboration and globally signficant, bold transformation.
LG NOVA Capital Alliance
SDG Impact Fund - Founding Member of LG NOVA Capital Alliance,
“to create solutions for some of the biggest challenges facing the world …
and catalyze disruptive innovations that will set the pace for a better,
more connected future for all.”
For Press Release please click here

What Is a DAF?

A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is the most powerful vehicle in philanthropy for families, corporations, advisors and individuals.
An SDG Impact Fund DAF is similar to your own private foundation, yet without cumbersome administration process or limitations. SDGIF combines traditional DAF benefits with a powerful network and collaboration at the speed of trust for regenerative impact.
Customized Giving Plans

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) empower donors to craft charitable gifting plans that provides the upfront benefit of a tax receipt and the ability to disburse the gift over time to a variety of causes. At the SDG Impact Fund, all giving is aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to charitable gifts, the fund provides systemic and regenerative impact investment and frontier tech enabled opportunities for catalytic gifts that have the opportunity to grow over time.
The DAF allows for donors to remain anonymous if they choose; or to work with the SDG Impact Fund to create a promotion around their gifts. This allows the gifts to remain private and discreet versus the financial disclosure required for a traditional family foundation.
Donor Advised Funds do not take away from established charitable giving plans. They simplify the administration while dynamically expanding opportunities to manage gifts and total transformation, as you support all of your favorite causes.
Reasons to Create an Account

The necessary paperwork to establish a new fund is straightforward and can be completed in minutes. Recommending grants from your sub-fund only requires a simple one-page form. We take care of the paperwork and cumbersome communication for you, so that you can focus your time on more important things.
It's Easy

With a minimum of $25,000, you can establish a fund to support any / all the SDGs and make grants to the local, national and global organizations that you see fit.
You may also designate a successor advisor to the fund – an effective way to engage other family members or colleagues in charitable activity.
It's Flexible

As a donor advisor to The SDG Impact Fund, you not only may recommend distributions from your fund to specific charities, you can lean on our expert team to craft your giving plan for you. We’re here to offer individualized service and strategies to help you carry out your goals and suggest ways to increase your impact.
It's Personal

We handle the administrative tasks of your fund – from investment administration to grants management – all for a nominal administrative fee. All of our funds share the costs of administration, allowing for economies of scale. This efficiencies network model increases effectiveness through collaboration with other donor advisors.
It's Efficient

SDG regeneration events worldwide, weaving and evolving networks to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Deep, personal relationships with high level leaders, executives and global change makers.

Our team specializes in innovative ways to grant
for maximum impact and regenerative results.
SDG Impact Fund, Inc.
475 E. Main St., #154
Cartersville, GA 30121
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