Let's collaborate to fulfill your dreams.

An Impact Account can be opened with a minimum gift of $25,000. You can use cash, stock, real estate or other assets to create a named fund and qualify for an immediate tax deduction.
As the Impact Steward, you can be actively engaged in the grant-making process. The SDG Impact Fund gives you the right to advise on distributions from your fund to specific charities and mission related investments.
We are also available to identify organizations that match your charitable interests. Additional gifts may be made to your donor advised fund at any time.
We are professional systems designers, bridge builders, poets, peacekeepers & passion fueled change makers set out to regenerate the world by 2030.
Step 1
Complete and submit the
Impact Account Form

Step 2
Make an initial gift of cash, stock, or crypto currency into your new Impact Account

Step 3
Outline your personal philanthropic goals and align them with the UN SDGs

Step 4
Work with SDGIF to determine investment and grant-making criteria for your fund

Starting an Impact Account
A donor enters into an agreement with The SDG Impact Fund. Our staff will assist you with the process.
1. To create an Impact Account, an individual makes an irrevocable contribution to the SDG Impact Fund , a public charity, and takes a tax deduction in the year they make the contribution.
2. The individual chooses a name for their Impact Account (name can include the word “Foundation”).
3. The individual can then recommend to the Charity a preferred investment option for their account.
4. The individual can begin recommending grants to charities at anytime. The number of grants issued per year is not limited.
Here is the form you’ll need to open your account:
How Impact Account Administration Works
We pool all our charitable funds for administrative purposes, however each participating fund receives individualized active management for maximum flexibility. You may choose from a variety of existing investment management strategies, or recommend your Impact Account be managed by your own investment advisor, allowing total transparency as you support the charitable causes you care about most.
It is up to you to determine the appropriate level of spending from your Impact Account, as there is no mandatory distribution requirement. If you are interested in preserving your Impact Account for the long term, you have the option to annually rollover your entire account and the investment growth until such time you are ready to make grants.
Minimum balances for Impact Account that participate in our outside investment management program is $100,000.
What you need to know:
Starting a private foundation can involve substantial start up costs and administrative expanses, such as the yearly filling of a Form 990-PF. But one of the most important differences is that Impact Accounts (Donor Advised Funds) receive more favorable tax treatment than a private foundation.
Impact Accounts (Donor Advised Funds) allow donors to take a federal income tax deduction up to 60% of adjusted gross income (AGI) for cash contributions and up to 30% of AGI for appreciated securities; versus 30% of AGI for cash contributions and 20% of AGI for appreciated securities for a private foundation.
Impact Accounts (Donor Advised Funds) also offer the ability to recommend grants anonymously, if desired. It is also possible to convert a private foundation over to a donor advised fund to simplify on-going maintenance and record keeping.
How can I still support the charities that I care about?
Donate assets that make the most sense from a tax perspective and then support multiple charities from a single contribution to the fund using our Contribution Form.
Recommend grants to any IRS-qualified public charity 501 (c)(3), mission related investments, or to recognized international charitable organizations (e.g. NGO's).
Recommend grants online, by fax or by mail using our Grant Recommendation Form.
Set up recurring grant recommendations (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually).
SDG Impact Fund prepares customized correspondence for grants from your account and issues the grants to the recommended charity. Grants can be made in the name of your fund, or made anonymously if necessary.

Acceptable contributions:
Cash equivalents (by check or wire) and publicly traded securities (including restricted stock).
Certain special assets (including real estate and illiquid assets) are accepted on a case-by-case basis.
All Cryptocurrency (both pre and post ICO).
Privately-held stock in a company.
Please consult your tax advisor or call us before making your contribution.
The SDG Impact Fund (Tax ID# 46-2368538) is an IRS recognized 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt public charity as described in the Internal Revenue Code Sections 501 (c)(3), 509 (a)(1), and 170 (b)(1)(A)(vi). All money and property transferred to the SDG Impact Fund, Inc., shall be deemed an irrevocable gift to the charity.
All money and property transferred to The SDG Impact Fund shall be an irrevocable gift to the charity. The charity shall hold, manage, invest and reinvest the Fund, shall collect the income and shall pay and disburse the net income and principal therefore exclusively for general charitable uses and purposes, in accordance with the provisions specified in the Articles of Incorporation of the charity. The Articles of Incorporation have been adopted by the Board of Directors of the Charity, and their provisions, as they may be amended from time to time, are hereby incorporated by reference and conclusively assented to and adopted. The phrase “charitable uses and purposes” shall be defined as all of those activities, uses and purposes described in Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the “Code”).